mercoledì 25 settembre 2013

La casa parla di noi...

La nostra casa rispecchia quello che siamo. Guardare con occhio attento le abitazioni aiuta ad capire  i proprietari, il loro stile di vita, i gusti, le passioni, il carattere, l'essere o meno. Non c'è niente da fare la casa ... parla di noi.

Abbiamo scoperto un bellismo blog della fotografa Eefje de Coninck, che vogliamo condividere con voi.

Il suo progetto è quello di farci conoscere delle artiste DONNE nelle loro case che rispecchiano e parlano di come sono, della loro arte e di come vedono questo nostro mondo..

"When decorated with a big budget or a modest one, your home will most likely be a reflection of who you are. It can serve as a shelter or a place to explore yourself. This project focuses on female artists, in part because I'm an artist myself. With my pictures I try to capture the impression of their character and world views present in the decoration of their homes."

Per voi abbiamo scelto la casa di una designer/illustratrice, tra le tante ...

* What does 'home' mean to you?
Home is where I can take a step back from the world and feel comfortable. I don't need that much to feel at home somewhere. Light is very important; I'm quite attached to my books and materials; and my boyfriend Olmo is a pretty essential part too. A home should be a living thing. Something that grows and evolves with the lives and interests of its inhabitants. I think our home is equal parts Olmo and Mayken. I like to think of it as an illustration of the people we are. That's also why I love having friends over at our place; it's the closest we can have them. On a larger scale, Antwerp feels very much like home too. We've only been here for two years, but I think we won't easily leave the city.

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